

Dear Alejandro,

Less than 1% of students are taught about global health, despite its the importance. Our Supercourse team ( wants to change this. We would like you and other faculty to dedicate a class to global health. Each year faculty teach about 200 lectures. Could you target 1 class (0.5%) for global health?

It is quite simple, we will provide to you all the materials with the Eric Noji's Cutler lecture on Global disasters in 5 different formats. We ask that you substitute this for one of your 200 this year. We will have a live presentation of the Cutler lecture on Sept. 29, at 4:00 eastern. and we invite you to join. For the course I am teaching, my students will watch his lecture instead of mine.

The gain to your students and university is enormous. There is no additional work for you in fact less work as there is minimal class preparation.

Our mission is to provide the lecture on disasters to faculty in all disciplines. A global lecture on disasters is needed for diverse disciplines such as economics, construction, transportation, history, or psychology. Disasters/global health touch all of us.

We need help to tell other faculty members about the lecture. Please distribute this letter to at least 10 of your teaching friends in varied disciplines as we need to reach many to improve global health.

Please let me know at if you joining this scholarly effort on global health.

Sincerely yours,


Ronald E. LaPorte, Ph.D.
Director, Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications
WHO Collaborating Centre
Department of Epidemiology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261 USA

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