
Medicine as a bussines

Dear colleages:

In my opinion, nowadays Medicine is a great business which belongs to the
pharmaceutical and technology industry. The physician plays a passive role
between patients and Corporations that sell products, like health.

In Argentina the last cardiology meeting taught us that we must use drugs:
from statins, aspirins, beta blockers to ACE inhibitors in order to prevent
cardiovascular disease. This point of view is political!

Real prevention is the fighting to change our society: its economical and
social injustice and inequities. The poverty and all the wars.

To be healthy: people need good food, use and play with their body, a plenty
of sexuality and happiness. Also, good houses, running water, work for all,
a communitarian project, for example.

We need to learn other skills: how to change the behavior, how to use the
feelings, how to implement health projects.

I wish a new Medicine: more humanistic and less capitalistic.
Time and Medicine are money!

Dr.Alejandro Wajner
Buenos Aires,

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